Programme of the 3rd African School on Internet Governance

#AfriSIG2015 African Union, Addis Ababa, 2-5 September 2015


  • Day one: Overview of internet governance issues and institutions
  • Day two: Internet infrastructure: access, architecture and management of internet names and numbers
  • Day three: Internet governance and social issues: human rights, security and development
  • Day four: Emerging issues in internet governance

AfriSIG 2015 will be held in conjunction with APC’s Gender in Internet Governance eXchange (gigX) for Africa. Morning sessions will be attended by both the main AfriSIG group and gigX participants. During afternoon sessions the two groups will work in two separate streams.

Faculty, facilitators and panelists

Faculty in 2015: Dr. Mawaki Chango, Digilexis; Pria Chetty, EndCode; Dr. David Souter, ict Development Associates/London School of Economics & Political Science; Dr. Edmund Katiti; Dr. Alison Gillwald, Research ICT Africa; Dr. Towela Nyirenda-Jere, NEPAD Agency; Janine Moolman, Anriette Esterhuysen, and Emilar Vushe, APC.

We are honoured to have, as additional presenters and panelists the following people: Makane Faye, UNECA; Adil Sulieman, AUC; Dawit Bekele, ISOC; Sally Wentworth, ISOC; Pierre Dandjinou, ICANN; Sasha Rubel, UNESCO; Fiona Alexander, NTIA, US Dept. of Commerce; Alice Munyua, dotAfrica, Michael M. Murungi, Google and Lars-Erik Forsberg, European Commission.

AfriSIG communications and media coordinator: Leila Nachawati, APC

Onsite logistics: Toussainte Nadje, NEPAD Agency; Bulanda Nkhowani, NEPAD Agency; Yolanda Mlonzi, APC; Caroline Tagny, APC


The school includes a practical hands on component, referred to as a ‘practicum’ which will run throughout the 4 days. This will culminate in a mock international multistakeholder meeting which has to take a decision related to the practicum topic. Topic for AfriSIG 2015 practicum: Network neutrality and zero-rated services in Africa. Coordinator of practicum: Towela Nyirenda-Jere.

Pre-school self-study

Required preparation: Participants are expected to have viewed/read the following:

  1. Lecture on this history of internet governance by Prof. Wolfgang Kleinwaechter, founder of the European Summer School on Internet Governance. Prof. Kleinwaechter can unfortunately not be with us in person this year, but we have a video version of his lecture on the history of internet governance. Please do listen and watch before you travel to Addis.
  2. In preparation for the practicum, participants should investigate if there is any regulation/policy/debate on net-neutrality or zero rating in their countries of residence/origin.
  3. For the human rights lecture please read the handout of the introductory section of the Internet Rights are Human Rights Curriculum:
  4. Have a look at these maps to familiarise yourself with different components of internet governance, policy and regulation:
  5. Read also: Blogging, sharing, covering AfriSIG:

Reading materials

An extensive reading list is available at


Download a print version


Session and session description



DAY 0: 1 Sep.


All day

Faculty and participants arrive

Faculty meeting

Final preparation: documents and logistics

Registration for early arrivals


Dinner for all who have arrived


SESSION 1: History of the internet 
Format: Talk

Scope: History of the internet in Africa

Presenter: To be confirmed

Participants should view the lecture from Prof. Wolfgang Kleinwaechter beforehand: (1hour and 22 minutes)


DAY 1: 2 Sep.




Yolanda Mlonzi

Caroline Tagny

Toussainte Nadje

Bulanda Nkhowani


SESSION 2: Welcome, introductions and overview of AfriSIG2015 and AfricaGIGx

Introduction to Africa IG School, the AfriSIG practicum and the Gender and Internet Governance Exchange (GIGx)

Participant introductions and expectations.

Emilar Vushe

Dr. Towela Nyirenda-Jere

Janine Moolman

Anriette Esterhuysen

INTRODUCTIONS: Each participant write on sticky notes “What I have always wanted to know about IG “. They are then divided into groups of 3, given some time to talk to among one another, and then take turns to introduce one another to the plenary. The notes will be clustered and mapped on the wall in the meeting room on the next day and, where possible, assigned to one of the AfriSIG sessions. (Facilitated by Anriette)

After this practicum groups will be formed and roles selected with preprepared stickers.


SESSION 3: What is internet governance?

Format: Lecture followed by discussion.

Scope: Definition and overview of internet governance and the IG ecosystem.

PRESENTATION: What Is Internet Governance?

Lecturer: Mawaki Chango

Issues to cover include:

Definition of IG (broad vs. narrow). Overview of scope of IG. Explanation of the layers model but only briefly as it is covered in detail on Day two.




Briefing for participants on how to use social media and an etherpad to share experiences and notes during AfriSIG.

Presenter: Leila Nachawati

Leila will provide an overview of how participants can use social media, and will set up hands on training sessions for those interested. She will also show participants how they can also ask and answer questions online during AfriSIG using an etherpad online or offline on the Q&A wall.


SESSION 4: Roadmap of internet governance

Format: Exercise.

Scope: Historical and political overview of internet governance as we know it today and creating a ‘river of life’ for internet governance and development in Africa to which participants will add key events from their own social, political and work contexts.

Facilitators: Anriette Esterhuysen and Dr. Mawaki Chango

Makane Faye from the African IGF Secretariat will join us for this session to help build the Roadmap.

Facilitators will map key IG milestones on the wall. Participants will break into groups and then contribute to this ‘river of life’ by adding events they are aware of that are of significance in internet development and governance in Africa as well as key political and social milestones that have impacted on the internet (e.g. the Africa Information Society Initiative of 1996, the creation of ICANN, of AfriNIC, the IGF in Nairobi in 2011, the Beijing World Conference on Women, 1995, the World Summit on the Information Society 2003 and 2005, the African IGFs in Cairo, Nairobi and Abuja – 2012-14, regional and national IGFs in Africa etc.)




SESSION 5: IG institutional context: who does what, where?

Format: Lecture followed by discussion.

Scope: Overview of the internet governance ecosystem and of key institutions and role players in internet governance at national and regional level

PRESENTATION: APC SS 1 – The institutional context for Internet governance

Lecturer: Dr. David Souter

Overview of key institutions at global, regional and national levels involved in internet governance, policy and regulation (ITU, ICANN, AUC, national regulators, regional regulatory bodies)


SESSION 5: IG institutional context: who does what, where? continued

Format: Presentation of the Global Internet Policy Observatory

Presenter: Lars-Erik Forsberg, European Commission

GIPO is an initiative of the European Commission to map, and provide easy access to, events, processes and institutions dealing with internet governance.




SESSION 6: Mapping internet governance in Africa: Issues, processes and institutions

Format: Short presentation that includes stock taking of the key issues raised at the last three African IGFs, followed by discussion.

Scope: Open discussion on IG institutions, processes and issues in Africa at regional and national level.

Lecturer: Dr. Edmund Katiti

Co-facilitator: Emilar Vushe

This session will build on the previous session but give participants an opportunity to talk about what the key internet governance issues are in Africa and to build understanding on where they can be addressed.

Option to use breakout groups: Session start with presentation followed by discussion in groups followed by a plenary. 15 minute presentation, 25 minute breakout groups 20 minute plenary


SESSION 7: Introduction to practicum

Format: Presentation and discussion

Scope: Overview of practicum and setting up of practicum stakeholder teams

Dr. Towela Nyirenda-Jere

Explanation of the practicum: 30 mins.

First stakeholder team meetings with team coaches: 30 mins


Social event: AfriSIG2015 meet and greet (cocktail with AUC Specialized Technical Committee (STC))

After dinner

Practicum teams meet

DAY 2: 3 Sep.



Review of day one: Questions and answers

Format: Open discussion

Moderator: Anriette Esterhuysen

The purpose of the Q&A is to deal with any weaknesses or gaps in the participants’ understanding of IG issues discussed on day one. Questions will be drawn from the Q&A wall and etherpad.


SESSION 8: Internet architecture

Format: Lecture followed by questions

Scope: How the internet works and how does internet architecture relate to telecommunications networks and how internet connectivity operates in Africa.

PRESENTATION: Introduction to Internet Technology

Lecturer: Dawit Bekele

Overview of internet architecture and protocols as well as overview of internet infrastructure in Africa – from fibre to satellite to IXPs.


SESSION 9: The state of internet access and infrastructure in Africa

Format: Lecture followed by discussion.

Scope: Overview of availability and affordability of internet access and how policy and regulation impacts on this.

PRESENTATION: ICT_Access_and_Affordability_AfriSIG

Lecturer: Dr. Alison Gillwald

This presentation will look at distribution and cost of access, including broadband, infrastructure, mobile access, and social and economic factors that impact on access to and use of the internet in Africa. It will also look at access through a gendered lens.




SESSION 9: The state of internet access and infrastructure in Africa (continued)

Lecturer: Dr. Alison Gillwald


SESSION 10: Internet numbers and names

Format: Lecture followed by discussion.

Scope: Overview of internet names and numbers and how they are managed with a particular focus on the African context and on AfriNIC

Lecturer: Dr. Edmund Katiti

Include RIR policy making, IPv4 issues, IPv6 issues, IP address coexistence, (re)distribution of unused IPv4 addresses, AS numbers. This session should introduce AfriNIC and explain how it works, and how people can participate in AfriNIC.




SESSION 11: Internet domain name management

Format: Lecture followed by discussion.

Scope: Overview followed by presentation of specific cases and discussion that highlight African perspectives on how name management currently takes place.


IANA Stewardship transition and enhancing ICANN accountability 

New gLTD Progamme: an overview

Moderator: Alison Gillwald

Presenters: ICANN (20 mins) Pierre Dandjinou, Yaovi Atohoun gTLDs (10 mins) Alice Munyua, dotAfrica

Government role in ICANN (10 mins) Fiona Alexander, NTIA

ccTLDs in Africa (10 mins (tbc)

Overview of ICANN and how it functions.

Overviews of ICANN’s GAC and also of African participation in GAC.

Overview of the new gTLD process from an African perspective.

ccTLDs in Africa




Practicum session

Plenary Session where the stakeholder teams present their first recommendations and discuss their initial recommendation in a multi-stakeholder environment chaired by the Practicum chairs.


Dinner with AUC STC

DAY 3: 4 Sep.



Review of day two: Questions and answers

Format: Open discussion

Moderator: Anriette Esterhuysen

The purpose of the Q&A is to deal with any weaknesses or gaps in the participants’ understanding of IG issues discussed on day two


SESSION 12: Internet governance and human rights

Format: Lecture followed by breakout groups and discussion

Scope: Overview of human rights on the internet.

Lecturer: David Souter

Fundamental rights and what they mean on the internet:

Freedom of expression and opinion

Freedom of association





SESSION 13: Internet governance and human rights: Frameworks, principles and charters and spaces

Format: Overview of various charters and how they are useful, followed by 5 minutes presentations of a few documents.

Scope: The African Declaration of Internet Rights and Freedoms and other such frameworks that are useful in the context of internet governance. Some of the spaces where internet-related issues are discussed will also be covered, e.g. the Human Rights Council and the Committee on the Status of Women and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and some of its protocols, e.g. the Maputo Protocol.

Facilitator: Anriette Esterhuysen


Pria Chetty: African Charter and Necessary and Proportionate

Emilar Vushe, African Declaration

Jan Moolman: Feminist Principles and Manila Principles

Sascha Rubel:UNESCO framework

Anriette will review the African Declaration and point participants to other charters and principles that can be helpful for all stakeholder groups, e.g. the Manila Principles on Internet Intermediary Liability and Necessary and Proportionate and the African Platform on Access to Information, the IR Charter, the NETmundial principles and the Feminist Principles. Participants will be asked to identify what human rights mechanisms are present in their countries: e.g. is there a national HR commission. What do participants think is lacking in their countries?


SESSION 14: Security

Format: Lecture and presentations followed by discussion

Scope: Main issues, processes and instruments to address security.

PRESENTATION: Cybersecurity and Privacy Governance

Lecturer: Pria Chetty (overview)

tbc (AU convention)

tbc (civil society perspectives)

What is ‘internet security’? Challenges and concerns in internet security in Africa. What is the Internet of Things, and does it matter in Africa?

Overview of AU Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection, and status of adoption by member states.

Overview of establishment of CERTs in Africa and of AfriCERT




SESSION 14: Policy and regulation that impacts on internet-related human rights

Format: Group discussions and peer learning and exchange. Discussions should allow rights issues from across the spectrum of diverse participant experiences to surface, e.g. women’s rights and protection of journalistic sources and whistle blowers.

Facilitators: Pria Chetty and Emilar Vushe

Supported by other members of faculty

Participants will break up into groups and discuss the following concepts. Groups tasks are to come up with definitions for these concepts and then identify the human rights implications of at least one. Participants should come up with examples of how these processes can either enable rights, or limit them.

  • Data retention

  • Internet intermediary liability

  • Filtering and blocking

  • Surveillance

  • Interception

  • Personal data protection


SESSION 15: Policy and regulation that impacts on internet-related human rights

Format: Brief group reports

Alternative topic for breakouts: Participants break into sub-regional groups and discuss what the status if human rights-related internet policy and regulation is in their countries.




Practicum working session

Facilitator: Dr. Towela Nyirenda-Jere

Teams will finalise their preparation for the ‘negotiation role play’ that will take place in the next section.




Practicum presentations and negotiation

Chair and co-chairs: tbc


DAY 4: 5 Sep.



Review of day one: Questions and answers

Format: Open discussion

Moderator: Anriette Esterhuysen

The purpose of the Q&A is to deal with any weaknesses or gaps in the participants’ understanding of IG issues discussed on day one


SESSION 15: Multi-stakeholder internet governance: achievements, strengths and weaknesses

Format: Talk show: Panel followed by discussion.

Scope: What is multi-stakeholderism and who are the internet’s stakeholders? Power, inclusion and exclusion in decision-making that impacts on the internet.

Moderator: Mawaki Chango

Panelists: Sally Wentworth, ISOC

Alison Gillwald, Research ICT Africa

Dr. Edmund Katiti

Makane Faye, UNECA

Michael M. Murungi, Google

Sasha Rubel, UNESCO

What is a multi-stakeholder model? Global, regional, sub-regional and national IGFs.

Are women able to participate effectively in IG and are gender considerations included?

Multi-stakeholderism vs bilateralism, multilateralism, etc

What are the opportunities and challenges of the multi-stakeholder model.

What is the status of internet governance in Africa in terms of participation, transparency and accountability?




SESSION 17: Emerging issues in internet governance

Format: Presentations followed by discussion.

Scope: This session will touch on some of the main issues that are likely to dominate internet governance in the near future.

Moderator: Pria Chetty

Panelists: (5 minutes each)

(1) Aida Opoku-Mensah, UNECA and David Souter

(2) Fiona Alexander, NTIA;

(3) Janine Moolman, APC; (4) Pierre Dandjinou (5) tbc

(1) The WSIS+10 review

(2) IANA transition;

(3) Online bullying, harassment and violence against women and girls

(4) ICANN accountability

(5) Internet of Things




Evaluation and closing

Dr. Towela Nyirenda-Jere and Anriette Esterhuysen and Emilar Vushe




Presentation of certificates

Makane Faye or Aida Opoku-Mensah (UNECA) and Moctar Yedaly (AUC)

NEPAD and APC representatives


AfriSIG Closing Dinner sponsored by ISOC

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