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AfriSIG was recently recognised amongst the outstanding ICT initiatives involving international and regional cooperation by the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Prize Committee.

Preparations have started for this year’s African School on Internet Governance –  #AfriSIG25

The 13th annual African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) will take place from 23 to 28 May in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania immediately prior to the African IGF 2025 from 29 to 31 May. 

AfriSIG 2025 is convened by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), the Information Society Division of the African Union Commission (AUC) and Research ICT Africa (RIA) in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the UN Internet Governance Forum Parliamentary Track. 

In addition to providing an overview of internet and digital policy, in Africa and globally, AfriSIG 2025 will continue having a strong focus on data governance. It will include a special focus on the 20-year review of the World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS+20).

For more information on #AfriSIG25, contact the AfriSIG organisers, Anriette Esterhuysen and Peace Oliver Amuge, at