
Since Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum’s announcement in 2016 of the impending Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in his book of the same title, the world has been swept up in the wave of global hype around the extraordinary potential for 4IR technologies – artificial intelligence, robotics, drones and blockchains – and the dire fate of nations who fail to embrace these inevitable technological developments. This has now been repackaged by Schwab and the WEF in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic as… Read more

No matter how many times I sit in a space that is reflecting on, learning from or critiquing issues around gender, I am always both pleased and flummoxed by the range of perspectives in the room, with some people gasping at the idea that gender is and always has been a spectrum and other people strongly affirming the importance of LGBTIQA inclusion in all spaces including, in this case, on the internet.

APC invited me to participate in this year’s African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG), which took place in Zanzibar, less than 100 metres from the warm waters of the Indian… Read more

I have wanted to attend the African School on  Internet Governance (AfriSIG) ever since I participated in the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) as an ISOCYouth@IGF fellow last year. It was through this formative experience that I first developed a passion for internet governance. Even with my limited background in the field, I decided to organise the Arusha Women School of Internet Governance (AruWSIG) and the Tanzania School of Internet Governance (TzSIG) with the hopes of sharing my newfound knowledge with my community.

When I received confirmation of my acceptance to AfriSIG, I… Read more

Sur l’art de la négociation par Larry Strickling. Lary S. est un négociateur fin, ayant travaillé sous l’administration de Barack Obama. Cette année, l’école sur la gouvernance de l’internet en Afrique a eu l’honneur les 10 et 11 octobre 2018 de voir la participation de Larry Strickling en tant que formateur.   

Connais-toi toi-même et tu connaîtras l’univers et les dieux” disait Socrate. Cette citation illustre très bien l’une des grandes leçons exposées par Larry lorsqu’il parle du profil de négociateur. En effet, d’après Larry, chaque être humain, dispose d’un… Read more

When I was first accepted to join the African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG), I thought that it would be a dense, academic course, with tech experts and policy makers coming together to discuss issues around internet governance. Coming from a non-tech, civil society background (my work is on curbing hate speech in Nigeria through online reporting and countering), I arrived at AfriSIG as a novice to the internet governance table. My perception was that internet governance is all about monitoring and governing content online with a focus on data… Read more

La 6e École africaine sur la Gouvernance de l’Internet (AfriSIG) qui se tient à Zanzibar en Tanzanie du 11 au 16 octobre 2018, réunit trente-cinq apprenants et une vingtaine d’encadreurs, experts et personnes ressources. L’AfriSIG est un cours intensif annuel d’apprentissage et de partage des connaissances de cinq jours, organisé par l’Association pour le Progrès des Communications (APC) et la… Read more

The Internet Society’s Collaborative Internet Governance Project Workshop, facilitated by Larry Strickling and Fiona Asonga of the Internet Society (ISOC), evaluates different negotiation processes by exploring multiple case studies and scenarios. The purpose of the event is to help fellows from the school of internet governance to build their capacity for effective negotiation in complex, real-life situations.

Having run the event with fellows from the European School of Internet Governance (EuroSIG) and the African School of Internet Governance… Read more

One of the ways the African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) equips leading African scholars and activists from diverse sectors, backgrounds and ages to participate in local and international internet governance structures is through a hands-on practicum. This practical exercise is intended to give AfriSIG fellows the chance to participate in multistakeholder decision-making, using available methods and processes in a realistic environment, while discussing an issue related to internet governance. This year, the practicum is focused on the topic of… Read more

Life is a series of relationships, whether business or personal, and each of these relationships must be based on trust. The aim of the African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) is to give Africans from diverse sectors and stakeholder groups the opportunity to gain knowledge and confidence to participate effectively in internet governance processes and debates nationally, regionally and globally. For us to achieve that, we must be trustworthy and trusting. Our first exercise during the AfriSIG class of 2018 was the oil pricing exercise, from which I… Read more

This year’s African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) was preceded by a two-day skills training workshop, facilitated by the Internet Society, aimed to equip fellows with the skills to effectively participate in multistakeholder discussions.

Internet governance processes have adopted multistakeholderism as a model for effective dialogue and decision making at a national, regional and global level. A key principle of multistakeholder engagement is that, in order to reach a consensual decision, all stakeholders must be… Read more