Internet governance

There is a wave of cybersecurity and data protection regulations being introduced in a number of African countries. Some countries have already enacted these internet laws, while others are in the process of introducing the regulations.

Notably, the introduction of cybersecurity and data protection laws in these African jurisdictions has caused consternation, contestation and debate regarding the process of law enactment and the fact that some clauses or terminologies are understood to be vague. It has also been noted with trepidation that the penalties contained in these cyber… Read more

I am a young woman who grew up in the rural areas of Limpopo in South Africa, where there is not much development done, internet is regarded as a luxury, and technology is not exposed. It has therefore been much of a privilege for me to be a participant at the 5th African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG).

In Limpopo, many people have different technological gadgets but use them in a way that is not necessarily beneficial to them. Many people have mobile phones in these rural areas; however, there are times when they do not even have network coverage. And without this network… Read more

My debut appearance at the African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) 2017 was certainly an eye opener in respect of a lot of very important issues related to internet governance, without doubt one of best spaces to start engaging with internet governance issues on continental level.

Distinctively, AfriSIG is a rich melting-pot of professional backgrounds, nationalities, ages, expertise and many other persuasions. This in my view made for very rich ground for networking and getting a multidimensional feel of internet governance issues across Africa under one roof.

But by… Read more

Taking part in the 5th African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) taught me the definition of internet governance, which is defined as the handling of technical coordination required for and policy issues related to the interoperability and smooth functioning of the different components of internet infrastructure and the exchange of information over the internet.

The knowledge I acquired

I was able to understand that:

  • There are established cybersecurity policies and laws at the international level, and yet the majority of… Read more

Multistakeholderism… what an alien word to a regulator!

I walked into the African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) 2017 with this exact mindset. Working for a regulator gives you false confidence; that you call all the shots, that your decisions are final, that the operators you regulate should either tow the line or change their line of business. We sometimes get so caught up with regulating that we forget the purpose for which we are regulating.

I remember being emphatic during my application for admission to AfriSIG 2017 that I expected to learn how best to regulate… Read more

The African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) 2017 has been both an eye opener and learning curve. When coming here I had no idea of the kind of impact and paradigm shift this school would have on me. Initially I had thought that I would come to the school and maybe learn a few things, then go back home and start influencing internet governance.

However, the experience has over-exceeded my expectations. I am originally from Lesotho, which in my opinion, and from the statistics provided by Chenai Chair (on how connected is Africa), is one of the least connected African state. I… Read more

La 5e édition du Forum national sur la gouvernance de l’internet du Cameroun s’est tenu du 28 au 30 juin 2017 dans la ville de Kribi.

Cet Ă©vènement organisĂ© par l’Agence Nationale des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (ANTIC), sous le thème Â« Gouvernance de… Read more

The 2016 African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) provided a platform for discussion of issues relating to internet governance. The beauty of the school is pegged on the diverse nature of the participants drawn from different countries and from fields that include civil society, academia, the technical community and the government. With mottled experience drawn from different contexts coupled with a mix of dissimilar social and technical backgrounds, participants gear for an explosive learning curve. Through exchanges between participants during the course of the school, they… Read more

This year’s African School on Internet Governance included a practicum exercise coordinated by Avri Doria, a highly respected member of both the internet technical community and the global internet governance community, as well as an APC member and volunteer. APCNews spoke with Avri to gather her insights on this year’s edition and on AfriSIG in general.

APCNews: What is your general impression about the 2016 AfriSIG?

Avri Doria: This AfriSIG was amongst the better experiences I have had in teaching in SIGs… Read more

David SouterDavid Souter is a longstanding associate of APC, and has worked for more than 20 years on the relationship between information and communications technologies (ICTs) and public policy, particularly in the areas of development, the environment, governance (including internet governance) and rights. He joined this year’s edition of the African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) as a faculty member, focusing on the relationship between internet governance and human rights.

APCNews: What type of role would the internet play in achieving… Read more