
Multistakeholderism… what an alien word to a regulator!

I walked into the African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) 2017 with this exact mindset. Working for a regulator gives you false confidence; that you call all the shots, that your decisions are final, that the operators you regulate should either tow the line or change their line of business. We sometimes get so caught up with regulating that we forget the purpose for which we are regulating.

I remember being emphatic during my application for admission to AfriSIG 2017 that I expected to learn how best to regulate… Read more

On 27-29 September I participated in the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica17), held in Johannesburg, South Africa, as a representative PROTEGE QV, an APC member organisation in Cameroon. This event was of great interest to us, since it is aligned with PROTEGE QV’s ICT4D programme, which advocates for free, open and affordable internet access for everyone. It was an ideal occasion to meet experts and activists in the internet freedom field, to gain new knowledge and insights, and to share our own experiences with other… Read more

The Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa 2017 (FIFAfrica17) brought together human rights defenders, journalists, government officials, private sector players, global information intermediaries, bloggers, developers, the arts community, law enforcers and regulators – all of whom have a role to play in advancing internet freedom in Africa.

As an organisation that has been promoting some of the key principles of the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, the… Read more

On 27-29 September, I took part in the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa 2017 (FIFAfrica17), in Johannesburg, South Africa, representing the Fantsuam Foundation of Nigeria.

On the first day, I attended the human rights review mechanisms workshop, whose goal was to build the skills and knowledge needed for African civil society organisations and human rights defenders to use established international and regional human rights mechanisms to hold states and other actors… Read more

L’Afrique dans son ensemble est confrontée à une crise critique en matière de droits numériques. Les interruptions d’internet sont en hausse, la violation de la vie privée devient courante et les accusations arbitraires ainsi que les poursuites contre les journalistes, les blogueurs et les citoyens ordinaires sur les opinions critiques exprimées sur internet sont endémiques. On dirait que tout le monde se rend compte qu’après avoir restreint les espaces civiques physiques et rendu difficile l’expression hors ligne des citoyens, ce sont désormais des espaces en ligne qui sont attaqués par… Read more

Ceci est un récapitulatif de ma participation au Forum sur les libertés de l’internet en Afrique (FIFAfrica), édition 2017. Cette année, il a été co-organisé par la Collaboration on International ICT Policy in East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) et l’Association pour le Progrès des Communications (APC) à Johannesburg du 28 au 29 Septembre 2017 , #FIFAfrica17.

L’agenda… Read more

“It is great that human rights are seen as a priority when it comes to IG, and it’s equally important that users know that they have rights online. As a young African woman in IG, I found myself reflecting on the discourse of gender rights online and how gender rights are perceived and tackled within the IG space. Some of the issues that women & LGBTQ communities face online are:

  • Revenge porn (e.g. leaking of nudes & private sex tapes)
  • Sexual harassment & stalking
  • Sexist jokes that promote rape and violence against women & LGBQT communities
  • … Read more